Borders attached, now it's time to measure and piece the back - then off to the longarmer! Had I thought about it more thoroughly, I would have put brown corner squares in the corner of the border, it looks very pink to me!
Here is my pieced top from 2011, I still haven't decided if I will add borders or not. I had received 12 blocks, but chose to go down to 9 based on color selections.
I really like the look of this block though when pieced together.
Here are my 2011 cottage blocks so far. I've made a few extra myself as i wanted to make a larger quilt. There is one other block already received not shown here that i have reserved for the bottom row, and i'm still waiting on my block from treevillemary
First to wrap up 2011 -- treevillemary and mkissa have sent out all their blocks, so I want to congratulate all the 2011 swappers on having a year with NO angel blocks!! YAY!! I also want to thank macbeaner for showing me the ropes and helping run the 2011 swap
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I have sent to all of you wonderful ladies! Thanks for a great year!
I have received from:
aphoenixrain carilea blueskyeyez
Suri hermione_jean leapin_jot
If you have not updated me on who you still need to receive from, please do so. I want this year to be successful since I will be taking next year off.
Previously someone had emailed me asking if they could use a different background fabric for my block. I can't remember who emailed me, but if you are still waiting to hear back from me before finishing the block, can you please email me again or comment on this post?